Understanding, Addressing And Overcoming Parental Alienation

Parental alienation occurs when one parent attempts to poison the relationship between a child and the other parent. It is not only heart-wrenching, but it’s also considered a form of child abuse. Studies show that some form of alienating behavior is present in 90% of high-conflict divorce cases. It is a growing crisis that requires immediate attention and intervention to tackle.

At The Wallack Firm in Manhattan, our attorneys have attained ground-breaking results in taking alienation cases to trial. This disturbing phenomenon has gained recognition among experts, lawyers and courts who were long unprepared for the problem. Thankfully, many courts are now willing to combat the issue head-on, thanks in part to the success our firm has achieved in the courtroom.

What Amounts To Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation can manifest in many different behaviors that damage the child’s relationship with the other parent. Some common examples include:

  • Continuously belittling or criticizing the other parent in front of the child
  • Interfering with communication or visitation between the child and the other parent
  • Blaming the other parent for financial problems, breaking up the family or other difficulties
  • Pressuring the child to choose sides
  • Involving the child in the parents’ dispute
  • Creating or exaggerating stories about the other parent’s behavior to manipulate the child’s opinion
  • Withholding or limiting information about the child’s activities, school or health issues from the other parent
  • Telling the child that the other parent does not love him or her, or that the other parent has abandoned him or her
  • Encouraging or allowing the child to disrespect the other parent
  • Making the child feel guilty for wanting to spend time with the other parent

New York law takes a strong stance against parental alienation. It’s a factor that can be used against the alienating parent in custody decisions.

Protect Your Relationship With Your Child

If you’re experiencing parental alienation, know that you’re not powerless. Legal remedies are available and can include modifying your custody arrangement to spend more time with your child.

Our attorneys are prepared to advocate for you and your child’s best interests. We will work tirelessly to rectify the situation.

Facing False Accusations Of Parental Alienation?

These accusations can be as damaging as the alienation itself. It’s critical to defend your rights vigorously. Our lawyers can help you confront these accusations, ensuring you have the support necessary to preserve your relationship with your child.

We Will Stand By You

Parental alienation can feel like an uphill battle, but you don’t have to face it alone. Our attorneys are committed to helping you understand, address and overcome these challenges.

Get started today by contacting us online or calling 212-651-6461.