Strong Advocacy Regarding Child Support And Spousal Support Issues

Financial matters are often a source of tension, and that is certainly true when it comes to alimony (called spousal maintenance in New York). Spousal support is often a contested issue in divorce cases, particularly those involving high-income earners.

At The Wallack Firm in Manhattan, we have robust experience handling these cases. Our lawyers excel at representing clients in complex, high-stakes divorce cases. We understand how to anticipate and overcome challenges relating to spousal support.

How Spousal Maintenance Works

If you’ve been financially reliant on your ex for years, will you get spousal support? If you’re a high-income earner, will you have to pay support to your spouse? Alimony provides a lesser-earning or dependent spouse with financial support during and after a divorce.

Our attorneys have years of experience negotiating beneficial support packages, and where necessary, litigating the issue at trial.

Temporary Spousal Support: A Financial Lifeline

In the throes of a divorce, financial stability is critical, especially when the proceedings drag on for a year or longer. Temporary spousal support, called pendente lite, is often awarded to ensure both parties’ financial stability during divorce proceedings. It’s a provisional measure, ensuring that the lesser-earning spouse can maintain their standard of living until the divorce is finalized.

Our lawyers can help you secure this type of support if you need it. We can also help you defend against such a request if you’re the breadwinning spouse.

How Spousal Support Is Calculated

New York spousal support law uses specific calculations based on the incomes of both spouses. However, the court also considers various factors, including:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • The age and health of both spouses
  • The presence of children in the household
  • The need of one party to incur education or training expenses

You can rely on our attorneys to help you build a strong case with relevant supporting evidence.

Modifying Spousal Support

Spousal support orders can be modified if there’s a significant change in circumstances. This could include a drastic change in income, unexpected medical expenses or retirement, among other things. Our lawyers can guide you through the process of seeking a modification or defending the existing spousal support order.

We Aim For Settlement But Prepare For Battle

We deliver creative solutions in even the most bitter divorce proceedings. While we strive to resolve disputes out of court, if we’re unable to negotiate a fair and reasonable level of support, our experienced trial lawyers have your back when litigation becomes necessary. Contact us online or call our Midtown offices at 212-651-6461.