Determining Appropriate Child Support: It’s Not Always Straightforward

Child support is often a significant issue in divorce and custody disputes, and it can be a source of conflict. Raising a child involves substantial expenses, from private school tuition and child care costs to medical bills and extracurricular activities. Nobody wants their children to miss out on the things they’ve always enjoyed simply because their parents are now separating or getting divorced. However, arriving at a fair distribution of parental financial responsibilities isn’t always straightforward.

You can turn to our Manhattan lawyers at The Wallack Firm for guidance and advocacy. We focus solely on family law and possess a thorough understanding of New York child support. Our attorneys can make sure that your children have the financial support they deserve.

How Is Child Support Calculated In New York?

In New York, child support is calculated based on both parents’ income, the number of children they support, their custody arrangement and other factors like earning capacity, health insurance and child care costs. The noncustodial parent is typically required to pay a percentage of their income for child support.

Navigating Child Support Modifications

There are situations where child support orders may need to be modified due to a significant change in circumstances. A job loss, a substantial increase or decrease in income or a change in the child’s needs may all warrant revisiting the existing order.

To modify a child support order, you must prove to the court that these changes are significant enough to warrant a modification. Our lawyers can help you present a strong case.

You Deserve Sound Guidance

Child support will have a major impact on your children’s lives and your financial circumstances. With our lawyers by your side, you can navigate these complexities with confidence, ensuring that your child’s needs are met. Contact us today at 212-651-6461 for assistance.