The Divorce Team You Want On Your Side When The Stakes Are High

When it comes to high-asset divorces, sizable marital estates usually involve complex property division and considerable support packages. For high-earners, successful business owners, those with significant assets and their spouses, confronting these issues can quickly escalate into a bitter, endless legal battle. Arm yourself with the right high-asset divorce attorney by working with the experienced litigators at The Wallack Firm.

Fighting For What’s Yours

Large marital estates usually contain significant and diverse holdings, such as cash, real estate, stock and securities, foreign assets, professional practices, and business partnerships and interests.

New York is an ‘equitable distribution’ state, meaning marital property is divided equitably (i.e., not automatically 50/50) based on a number of factors, including, a spouse’s contributions to the acquisition of various assets, and to the marriage itself. We’re ready to go head-to-head to ensure you get your fair share of the marital property pie. And, we have the skills and experience to take cases to trial and we don’t back down to anyone.

Navigating The Complexities Of Interstate And International Divorces

International and interstate divorce cases involve a whole host of legal complications. The jurisdictional issues alone require an intelligent, strategic approach. These cases often involve real estate holdings – such as vacation homes and rental properties – in multiple states. When one spouse lives abroad or in another state, child custody considerations can also be challenging.

Our team is well-equipped to handle these challenges. We will work diligently to find the strongest angle for protecting your interests.

Managing Publicity Issues In High-Profile Divorce Cases

Nobody wants the details of their personal life thrust into the public eye. For high-profile individuals – such as celebrities, doctors and legal professionals – public scrutiny adds another dimension of difficulty.

At The Wallack Firm, P.C., our lawyers understand the realities of high-profile divorce cases. Our attorneys have a wealth of experience managing publicity in a proactive manner.

We are well-versed in the public relations component of divorce cases. Our attorneys regularly contribute to national media outlets like The View, the Today Show, the New York Post and Anderson Cooper, showcasing our understanding of the intersection of law and media.

Negotiation Versus Trial In Divorce Cases

Divorce often triggers feelings of anger and defensiveness that may result in a rush to court. However, it’s often more beneficial to resolve disputes through negotiation rather than in court. Trials are public, and they put critical decisions in the hands of a judge. With out-of-court options, you have more power over the outcome. You also have the benefit of privacy.

However, we understand that sometimes a trial is necessary. Our experienced litigators are prepared to advocate for you in court when it’s the right course of action.

Protect Your Financial Well-Being

We are widely recognized as a results-driven litigation boutique and we have the prowess required to obtain successful outcomes. Are you ready to fight back and take control of your divorce? Call our Midtown Manhattan offices at 212-651-6461 or send us an email to get started.