Safeguard Your Real Estate Assets In Divorce

You’ve worked hard to build your real estate portfolio. It may comprise a significant portion of your net worth. Whether your property holdings include the marital home, vacation properties, investment properties or other types of real estate, you deserve a strong legal ally to protect your interests.

At The Wallack Firm, we understand the complexities involved in dividing high-value real estate assets during divorce. We exclusively practice family law in Manhattan, focusing on high-asset cases. Our attorneys will work strategically and aggressively to safeguard your real estate interests.

How Real Estate Is Divided

In New York, real estate division in divorce hinges on the concept of equitable distribution. Real estate that is classified as marital property will be subject to division in a manner the judge deems fair, based on the specific factors of your case.

Options for dividing real estate can include one party buying out the other, selling the property and splitting the proceeds, or even co-owning the property post-divorce. Special considerations often apply to the marital home, particularly when custody arrangements are involved. We can guide you through these options and help you weigh the ramifications of each potential outcome.

Is Your Real Property Marital Or Separate?

Real estate is considered marital property if it was acquired during the marriage, regardless of how it’s titled. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement may create a different standard, however. Separate property isn’t subject to division, but there are complex requirements around what constitutes separate property. Our lawyers can help you navigate these nuances.

The Importance Of A Strong Appraisal

Accurate appraisals are vital to ensure fair distribution of property, particularly when dealing with extensive real estate portfolios. We work with trusted appraisers to ensure a thorough, well-documented valuation.

Protect Your Real Estate Assets: Reach Out Today

Don’t allow your hard-earned real estate assets to slip through your fingers in divorce. Our lawyers can take a strategic and innovative approach toward pursuing the right resolution.

Contact us today via our website or by phone at 212-651-6461.